A good spinner is an indispensable tool in the hands of a fisherman. In the store, elements of fishing equipment are not cheap, so skillful fishermen prefer to make lures with their own hands.
In this review, the author shows how to make an unusual catchy spoon-bait from stainless steel. Product dimensions - 80x30 mm, metal thickness - 1 mm, weight - 20 grams.
First of all, we draw the shape of the future spinner on a piece of millimeter stainless steel. Then we cut the workpiece with an angle grinder (grinder).
The main stages of work
After cutting the workpiece, it is necessary to process the edges and remove burrs with a drill and needle file.
At the next stage of work, we make markings on the workpiece and drill two holes for attaching the hook and swivel.
After that, the product will need to be polished to a shine using a felt circle and GOI paste.
At the last stage, the author cuts a strip from a sheet of stainless steel and fastens it to rivets. It will first be necessary to drill two holes.
Details on how to make a catchy spinner for fishing with your own hands can be found in the video on our website.