Do-it-yourself vertical screwdriver stand


To make a home-made vertical stand for a screwdriver, you will need plywood, steel bars, a drill chuck, springs and bearings. Steel bars will act as vertical guides.

Using such a stand, holes of different diameters can be drilled in a tree at an angle of 90 degrees (that is, perpendicular to the base).

First of all, the master glues a template from two pieces of the board, and also drills holes in a rectangular piece of plywood under the vertical guides. Then both guides need to be "planted" on epoxy glue.

The main stages of work

At the next stage, it will be necessary to glue the block of plywood in which the drill chuck will sit. Then the master processes both workpieces on a grinding machine, removing burrs and sharpening a little corners.

In a plywood bar, you will need to drill two holes on the sides for bearings, and one more hole for the “shank" of the drill chuck.

At the last stage, the master installs the bearings and assembles the upright. A metal tube is put on the “shank” of the cartridge. Round bearings are already being worn on it.

For details on how to make a home-made vertical stand for a screwdriver with your own hands, see the video on our website. And write in the comments, did you like this homemade product or not?


Watch the video: DIY: Drill Bit Storage Rack - Magnetic (October 2024).