Hide the wires under the computer desk


Under a table on which there is a personal computer almost always lies a large number of wires connecting peripheral devices. This is very inconvenient and ugly, often interferes with normal operation.
I will show you a simple way to put things in order under the table at your computer. You do not have to make any complex or simple devices.

To properly distribute, you will need everything on just a few large paper clips, which you can easily buy at the nearest stationery store.


The idea is to secure the wires under the table on the back of the countertop. There you can fix small devices: a monitor power supply, various switches, modems, network filters, carrying ...
Total that you need to buy in order to clean up the table:
  • - Large paper clips.
  • - Short wood screws.
  • - Washers.
  • - Plastic ties (optional).

Let's start

First of all, we will fix the power equipment.
To find out where the screws are screwed in, take a piece of paper. Attach it to the side of the fixture. And as in the elementary grades, we will make hatching with pressure so that the outline becomes clear.

Then, we attach this leaflet to the table and screw it in. Tear the leaflet, thereby removing it.

Next, attach the clamps with screws. We distribute the wires to these terminals. It is advisable to disconnect all wires before connecting - it will be easier to distribute.

One - two and the order is there. If necessary, we fix individual nodes with plastic ties.
So, in a few simple movements, we put in a great order. Now you can stretch your legs without fear and nothing will disturb them.


Watch the video: How To: Cable Management - Full Guide (October 2024).