Manty "Heroes" with minced meat


Manti - A very satisfying and tasty dish. And, of course, high-calorie, but it is perfectly absorbed, due to the fact that it is steamed. There are a lot of recipes for their preparation. Manti is prepared with different fillings: with lamb, pork, beef, horse meat and even with pumpkin and other vegetables. Although this is a traditional dish of the peoples of Central Asia, in our country, manti is also very fond of cooking.
Mantas are very easy to prepare, even a novice cook will cope with them. Therefore, preparing manti is a wonderful occasion to please your loved ones!
Would need:
  • 0.5 kg of flour;
  • 250 g of water;
  • 500 g of pork (or other meat);
  • 4 to 5 bulbs;
  • 0.5 tsp salts;
  • spices to taste.

1. In a deep bowl, pour the flour, then add water (it should be a little warm to make the dough better kneaded) and a pinch of salt. Knead a pretty cool dough.

2. Now you need to cover the dough with a towel or put in a bag and leave to "rest" for 60 - 80 minutes. The dough should become softer and more elastic.

3. Now prepare the filling. Any meat is suitable, but I like pork manti the most because then it turns out more juicy. The meat needs to be chopped into small cubes (you can make minced meat, of course, but it will not be manti). To get exactly small cubes, the meat must not be completely thawed.

4. Peel the onion, wash it under cold water, and also cut into small cubes.

5. Now you need to combine pork with onions, add salt, spices to taste (I add only pepper) and mix everything thoroughly.

6. Now we roll out cakes from the dough (I make large enough). If the dough is rolled out too thinly, then, after pinching, it can break.

7. For each cake you need to put a filling. Now you need to form the manti: first, two sides are pinched in the middle, then the two remaining sides are pinched to this middle, leaving the “tails”. It turned out something a bit like a star. Now we connect these “tails” from two sides.

8. Now you can send manti to prepare. It is better to grease the levels of a double boiler with vegetable oil, so that later it will be easier to get manti. Then lay them out so that there is a distance between them, and they do not touch each other. We set the cooking time on a double boiler for 40-50 minutes (since I get large manti, I set it for 50-60 minutes).

9. So, manti "Heroes" with chopped meat are ready! On top of them you can pour various sauces, butter or sour cream.


Watch the video: Saçda 20 minutdan bişýän manty (October 2024).