Soft harness for the dog


If you are lucky to become the owner of a wonderful four-legged loyal friend, then you already know that any dog ​​requires attention and care. To keep a dog pet requires quite a lot of accessories. One of those is the harness. A harness is a piece of equipment for your dog, consisting of connected straps that wrap around the dog’s chest. There are several types of harnesses. They differ not only in appearance, but also in purpose. Harnesses are used instead of a collar for walking, for towing, for hanging weighting materials, to athletically develop a dog, for puppies to evenly distribute the load on an immature skeleton, as well as for auxiliary medical purposes. All these types of harnesses can be purchased at pet stores. At the same time, it’s quite realistic to sew the dog’s harness on your own, especially if you couldn’t pick up the ammunition of the right size or an urgent need arose.
Professional necks are especially durable because they are operated quite rigidly. For the manufacture of durable leather, nylon slings, sturdy leatherette, reinforcing inserts, welded rings and fasteners. At home, you can master the lighter version.

We sew soft harness from improvised materials. The presented harness consists of two main belts that cover the dog’s chest under the neck and behind the front legs, and one auxiliary belt fastening the main belts under the dog’s body.
This embodiment of the harness is suitable for a small dog that does not make strong jerks, a weakened dog, for example, a recovering dog after an illness, or an elderly dog, for which a harness is more convenient than a collar.
If there is no narrow nylon cable, then for production, prepare a wide nylon or nylon braid, not too thin. To strengthen we use fabric from old tight jeans. You will also need a nylon cord with a core. It is convenient to knit strong loops with knots from it for fastening a carbine. If you have metal carabiner rings, then use them.
A sewing machine and a lighter are also useful. The lighter is needed in order to melt all the cuts of the synthetic braid and cord, this will prevent the thread from shedding.
We begin the process of making a harness by measuring the necessary dogs. For the harness of the chosen type, only one main size is needed: the chest girth.
We measure the chest of the dog, extending a soft centimeter immediately after the elbows, size A.

We measure the size obtained on the braid. Because the tape is thinner than the skin or dermantine, the harness will need to be strengthened. And the braid itself should be double. Therefore, we multiply the obtained centimeters by four (two main belts + double braid).

The next step is to cut the jeans strips of the same width as the braid or a little narrower (so that the jeans do not protrude behind the braid).

We fold the entire length of the tape in half. We lay jeans stripes inside. Next, sew the braid along the entire length. For the stitch we use a zigzag stitch with a step of 3-4mm. Zigzag can withstand tensile load better. Threads are also better to use kapron or dacron. We cut the entire tape in a circle, then make another seam in the center of the braid. If you want, you can make several central seams for greater reinforcement.

Next, close the tape in the ring and sew. At the joints, the seams should be very durable, so we duplicate each line 5-6 times. Got two main harness straps.
The auxiliary belt serves to connect the two main belts to the floor with the breast of the dog. We measure the distance size B, add to it the allowance for the girth of the main harness straps + allowance for the seams, and cut a piece of tape.

On the sewing machine we sew the auxiliary belt. It does not carry a large load during the operation of the harness, so it is not necessary to reinforce it with inserts. You can leave it movable, as in our case, or fix it with seams to the main belts.

Try the harness on the dog. Tighten the straps to fit snugly over the body. Mark the ends of the harness that are left above the shoulder blades. Then stitch them on a typewriter to make narrow loops. Here, the stitch should be especially strong, so sew at least 8 times.

It remains to make rings for the carbine. Because in this case, the harness is completely soft, without metal parts, the rings are made of a nylon cord with a core, which is quite strong. We measure the double length of the cord, so that you can freely tie it into a strong knot.

We thread the harnesses into the stitched loops, tie them, hide the knot in the loop. Similarly, we perform the second ring. For solidity, you can wrap the double cord of the ring with kapron thread to make it easier to cling to the carabiner.

The harness is ready.

Please note that such a harness is not suitable for a large, young and strong dog, it is not designed for powerful jerking, towing or intensive training with a load on the belts. But it is useful to small dogs, puppies of a young age. Also suitable for quiet walking when you need to support the body of the dog or free your neck from the collar.


Watch the video: Best Dog Harness in 2019 (October 2024).