Wish tree with tags


If you have a major celebration, then surely the questions about the place of celebration and the list of guests have already been resolved. But how to complement and diversify the holiday? How to stand out from the crowd and create a fabulous atmosphere? A do-it-yourself volumetric tree for wishes will come to help in resolving these issues.
There are different types of trees for wishes: on posters, with fingerprints and others, but in our article we are talking about the classic version, stylized as a real tree. Special tags of various formats and colors are hung on it, with wishes from guests. The number of cards must match or even exceed the number of invitees.
Advanced event agencies and decor studios have been using similar art objects for a long time to decorate events, but they are asking for huge amounts of money for hand-made. Having studied this master class, you can make an amazing tree yourself, spending up to $ 5.
List of required materials:
tree branches; clamps; spray paint white and silver / gold; 3 L flower pot; 1.5-2 kg of gravel or stones (liter jar); alabaster 2 kg; water; hot glue silicone in the gun; PVA; corrugated paper; scissors; hole puncher; lighter and candle; 5 cm tape - 3 meters; tape 0.5 cm - at the rate of 20 cm per 1 tag; fabric cuts for base decoration; half-color A4 - at the rate of 1 sheet for 6 tags; white / color paper - at the rate of 1 sheet per 6 tags; ball pens; a small box - for delivery; half beads, any bugles for decoration;

Wood processing

It’s worth starting with the selection of a qualitative basis for the future design know-how, namely, carefully consider all the plants growing around your house. Ideal acacia. The branch you choose should resemble a real tree: be thickened at the base and branch into many tiny branches by the end.

Advice! Break the branch as close to the base as possible. You can stock up on several instances just in case.
Next, we put the branches in the hottest place in the house or on the street so that the greens wilted and the inside was dried (2-5 days). Then they must be cleaned from leaves and buds, minimally damaging the bark and the smallest processes.

We open the first layer of white paint from a spray can. Everything should be applied from 4 to 7 layers, depending on the degree to which the desired effect is achieved, intermittently until each layer is completely dry. Some branches in the final can be shaded with silver or gold.

After painting, you can begin to "plant" a tree in a pot. To do this, pour 1 kg of alabaster into the pot, pour water in portions and stir until a homogeneous mass, the consistency of thick sour cream. Mixing thoroughly, pour the gravel, and squeeze it into the alabaster, gently stirring.

We clamp the painted branches in three places at the base, with an interval of 10-15 centimeters, with clamps and lower them into the pot. At this stage, the layer of alabaster and stones should be about half the pot. Set the tree as we need and let the mixture freeze - 6-8 hours. It is best for this period to support the tree on both sides so that it does not squint or make a suspension upwards with the help of threads, hooking it to a cornice or chandelier.

Advice! If the clamps are too noticeable, they can be painted over with paint residues from the spray can.
When the bottom layer of alabaster is completely frozen, in a separate bowl we dilute another 1 kg of the same mixture and gently pour it on both sides of the tree. We are waiting for complete hardening and proceed to the decor of the base and branches.

The easiest way to cover alabaster irregularities with artificial moss / plants or fabric. In our version, a rectangular flap of chiffon fabric is used. We bait it with a thread into folds, wrap it around the trunk.

Advice! Fix the baited folds at the base with a yoke or thread so that they do not come out.
The remaining edge of the fabric is glued with hot glue along the inner contour of the pot, turning the cropped place inward, and evenly and beautifully laying out the folds.
The pot itself is decorated with a ribbon and a bow with a glue gun.

In addition, to revive the branches, before the wishes appear on them, roses from corrugated paper or ribbons can. The creation of such roses dozens of times described on the Internet, use any master class. Fasten roses conveniently on hot glue.

Advice! You should not make them too many and large, remember, they are just an addition to the main purpose of the tree.

Wish Tags

The card on which guests will write can be of any shape and size. To save paper, we suggest investing in dimensions 10 * 10 cm. This will allow you to create 6 tags on one A4 sheet. The easiest way to do this is on a computer in programs such as Microsoft Word or Photoshop, depending on which one you are "friends" with more. We describe the features for Microsoft Word.
Open a new document, and go to the "Insert" tab.

Select "Shapes", and the appropriate model in the menu that appears. Draw the shape you like.

If you do not accurately specify the dimensions manually, you can correct them by right-clicking on the object in the "Auto-shape format" menu.

In the "Size" tab, set the parameters 9 cm to 9 cm, and the figure will change automatically.

After that, add the text, and all the inscriptions that you want to see on the front side. As a rule, the first letters of the name and surname, the date of the celebration, and other key points are placed here. After that, copy the object several times.

Place 6 identical cells on a sheet and print it on a colored half-card. Set the number of A4 copies in accordance with the desired number of cards. Then cut along the line.

The layout of the turnover is difficult to adjust so that turning the sheet over, it prints evenly, but we don’t need it. The back side on which guests will make notes can generally be left as they are. Or download a template of their Internet and print 6 units, on plain paper and cut again. Set the number of A4 copies in accordance with the desired number of cards. Next, we glue both parts on PVA and put it under the press, pre-laying newspapers so that the moisture is absorbed.

We are waiting for complete drying, we get out from under pressure and we make holes in the top of each tag with a hole punch. If you don’t have a curly one, then the usual one is suitable for folders, only instead of two holes you substitute a tag for one.

We are armed with a tape of 0.5. We divide it by the required number of segments, based on calculations of 15 cm. Per 1 tag. After that, we singe the edges of the tape on both sides.

Advice! If the amount of work is large, it will be convenient to use a candle instead of a lighter.

We stretch the segment through the hole in the tag and fasten it with a glue gun. The card is ready!

Pens and stand

To complete the picture, you can decorate the pens with which guests will write.

Just wrap them with the remnants of tapes or fabric, securing them to the adhesive silicone in stages.

You can place a large number of tags in a beautiful box. Make it from tapes and corrugated paper.

Advice! Consider transporting such a large object in advance, and if time and opportunity allow, then install it initially in the room for a celebration. In our case, transportation was carried out in the trunk of a station wagon.
It is best to place the tree on a table in a conspicuous place. Be sure to inform the guests about its availability and offer to fill out a tag. And soon your home will be decorated with a beautiful art object made by yourself.

We wish you a good holiday and best wishes.


Watch the video: Baby Shower Gift - How to Make a Wishing Tree. Parents (October 2024).