Simple designer lamp


If any of you dreamed about stylish light, then this wonderful, stylish, and most importantly simple lamp for you. It will fill your room with a smooth, not conspicuous, light. It will create cosiness and warmth. And accordingly save your money.
What is needed to build our design lamp?
1) You can use a simple one, but in places of gift wrapping you can find paper that will add unusualness to your lamp. After all, your lamp can be not only classically white!
2) Glue, I used a quality glue gun.
3) Cartridge, wire, switch, plug. (I think it’s not difficult for you to collect these 4 things in one).
4) Rails, thin.
5) A square of plywood, for the bottom of our lamp.
6) Light bulb, energy saving. The use of an incandescent lamp in this lamp is not permissible!
First things first, you need to determine the size of our cube. We evenly spread a sheet of our paper and gently begin to glue the walls and lid of our cube.
After gluing the slats, excess paper must be cut off.
After that, we finished with the sides of the cube (there should be five of them). Let’s go to the bottom.
It should be cut exactly to the size of the walls. To begin with we fasten the cartridge for our lamp. Next, glue vertical slats on the corners of the bottom for the strength of the walls.
After we begin to glue the walls of our lamp. They must be carefully glued to the bottom, to vertical slats and to each other. For ease of construction, you can temporarily fasten the tape. After finishing with the walls, you can also attach the top of our cube.
The matter remains small. Turn on and enjoy.
A great option for a stylish home-made lamp.
PS: Instead of paper, there is a good option to use fabric!


Watch the video: How to make a night lamp (October 2024).