Caskets of bobbins from scotch tape


Surely every woman more than once thought about where to store small items necessary for the household such as buttons, beads, and rings. Of course, you can buy any box you like in the store, but it's much nicer to make a box for storing little things with your own hands. Who would have thought that an ordinary, stylish box for jewelry, buttons, pins, or something else could be created from an ordinary tape reel from tape?

To work, you will need:
• reel from a wide adhesive tape,
• reel from narrow double-sided tape or masking tape,
• pieces of old wallpaper or scrapbooking paper,
• thick cardboard,
• glue PVA and "Moment",
• scissors, ruler,
• lace
• ribbons, beads, large buttons for decoration.
First of all, it is necessary to clean both bobbins from the remains of adhesive tape and paper. Then, placing them on thick cardboard, you need to circle the coils with a pencil to get two circles of the right size. Cut them out. Subsequently, it will be the bottom and cover of the box.

Measure the width of both bobbins, and then draw on the wallpaper strips equal in circumference to each coil. As a result, you should get two strips for each reel. Also on paper you need to draw four circles to glue the bottom and the roof of the box.

After that, cut out all the details and use glue to attach the elements to the base. To fix them, you can use paper clips until the glue completely dries.

As a result, you should get a casket with a lid. All ugly seams can be hidden under the lace. You just need to stick it on the joints of paper and cardboard.
To prevent the lid from getting lost over time, you can attach it to the base. To do this, use the same lace. Glue a small piece of it from the outside, and then do the same steps on the inside of the box.

The craft is ready. It remains only to decorate it. It all depends on your imagination. Decorate the box cover with satin ribbons, beads, large buttons of an unusual shape. If desired, you can use shells, beads, sparkles.

Such an original little thing will not be ashamed to give to a friend or relative for any occasion. The box will harmoniously fit into any interior and will serve as an excellent accessory for storing all sorts of useful little things.


Watch the video: Мастер-Класс. Шкатулка из бобины от скотча, подручного и бросового материала. (October 2024).