Tilde Snail


Surely every needlewoman heard the term "Tildov toy" at least once. But not everyone knows what it is. Tildas are unusual, bright, stylish toys that symbolize family comfort and warmth. The first craft in this technique was released in 99 of the last century, when the artist from Norway, Tony Finnanger, created a pattern and sewed an unusual doll. Today, needlewomen from all over the world are looking for and make themselves new patterns of toys in this technique. A charming snail will be loved not only by children, but also by their parents, and will also become a real decoration of the house.
To work, you will need:
• two pieces of fabric of any color,
• scissors,
• synthetic winterizer,
• threads and a needle,
• lace
• satin ribbons,
• two beads,
• pendant for decoration.

First you need to print a pattern or draw it yourself. After that, you need to carefully transfer the scheme to the fabric, having previously folded it twice face to face. Approximately 5 mm from the edge must be retreated, thus making allowances for the seams. Then it is necessary to cut out the details of the future toy so that the fabric does not slip, it is recommended to fasten it with pins.

Now sew together both parts of the body of the cochlea, but do not forget to leave a hole in the upper part. After completing the work, you need to turn the resulting part on the front side and steam it well with an iron. After that, you need to fill it with a padding polyester, sew up the hole and proceed to create a sink.

The principle of operation is the same. First, the two parts are sewn together, then the fabric needs to be ironed well and filled with filler.

It remains to fasten together the body and sink. To hide the ugly seams that formed during the stitching process, you can decorate the toy with lace.

The snail is ready. It remains to decorate her. Sew the beads in place of the eyes. In a snail, they should be closely planted. On the neck of the toy you can hang the pendant on a thin satin ribbon, decorate the shell with a bow. Use a red pencil to brown the cheeks of the snail.

Such a bright, original, cute toy will become a real keeper of your hearth and will delight you for a long time.


Watch the video: Solitary Extraction - Death of the Tilde (October 2024).